The Cameron Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens, businesses and industries who are investing their time and money in community development. Members work together to improve the economic, civic and cultural well-being of the area. Any citizen who is interested in helping to develop the area (which means more money - more business - more jobs and better living for everyone) is eligible to be a member of the Chamber of Commerce. The dues structure is designed to permit even the smallest business to be a member.
The Chamber of Commerce functions through working committees of the organization. Money, planning, inspirations and guidance are useless unless the members work vigorously on committees of their choice.
The goal of the Chamber is always to create more dollars for more people and to improve the economic welfare of the community. Every member has a voice in determining the policies and projects, events or committees to get the job done.
For the Retailer
- Works for industrial and business development which brings with it new residents with new money to spend in the stores.
For the Service Establishment
- Works for an ever increasing population, assuring additional customers and income.
- Works toward increasing development of new industries and the expansion of existing industries, all of which increase demand of the service organizations.
For the Manufacturer and Wholesaler
- Compiles various statistical information on trade territory population.
- Available to assist industry in job training, education and recruitment.
For the Construction, Real Estate, Investment and Insurance Firm
- Provides an ever expanding market for construction, real estate and insurance dealers through the program of attracting new industry, new residents and promoting business
- Encourages expansion programs and modernization for established firms.
For the Professional
- Works continuously for growth of the city, business expansion and population increases to ensure the professional a prosperous place in which to make a living
- Conducts an over-all program which is keyed to improve the economic income of the professional's patients and clients for benefit.
For the Farmer, Rancher
- Encourages and promotes sound agricultural programs and practices in conjunction with the Milam County Extension Office.
For the Motel, Restaurant Operator
- Works to attract meetings and special events which bring new money into the economy.
- Works to expand the tourism business.
- Brings in sports and amusement attractions with large crowds.
For the Home and Property Owner
- Conducts an intensive city beautification program with cleanliness and other projects aimed at making our city a better place in which to live.
- Works to provide a more interesting and meaningful life for residents and visitors.
- Cooperates with educational entities to ensure quality educational system and facilities.
What We Do (continued)
The Chamber of Commerce is a service institution and an action organization. It provides a medium through which people can take effective action for the betterment of the community.
- It helps to create job opportunities through stimulation of industrial and commercial growth.
- It seeks to support existing businesses through business focused programs and promotional opportunities
- It seeks the improvement of community facilities such as parks, schools and public buildings.
- It brings meetings and special events to the city.
- It works toward assisting the agricultural industry of the area.
- In all these functions the Chamber of Commerce is serving as a department - a partner - to every business and every professional person in the area.
In all these functions the Chamber of Commerce is serving as a department - a partner - to every business and every professional person in the area.